Menu Intelligence
Maximize Menu Value from Every Food Dollar Spent
Using advanced decision-making models, MenuAmbition enables institutional foodservice professionals to plan better menus that cost 10% – 30% less.

The Intelligent Menu Planning software for improving menu performance through every food decision you make
Generate Optimized Cycle Menus in Minutes
Today’s menu planning software merely analyze menus you manually enter. MenuAmbition rapidly forms entirely new cycle menus that achieve all the planner’s menu goals at the lowest possible cost.

Decision Certainty
Take Menu Decisions to the Next Level
Menu planners are stuck making menu decisions in old-fashioned ways – intuition, rules-of-thumb, legacy menus, and trial-and-error. MenuAmbition models menu decisions scientifically, calculating thousands of food combinations to assemble the best cycle menus possible.
What-if Scenarios
Test Menu Improvement Ideas in Real-time
Exploring new food choices can be a paralyzing pain point. MenuAmbition solves the problem of working out new menu options, using what-if analysis tools and visual dashboards to compare multiple menu possibilities.

Continual Menu Improvement
Rise Above Just Buying Foods Cheaper
Food prices and supplies don’t stand still. With MenuAmbition, new product choices and price changes are opportunities to improve costs, menu appeal, and nutrition simultaneously – because MenuAmbition always uses food costs and nutrients most efficiently.
Standards for Institutional Foodservice Operators are Rising
MenuAmbition helps foodservice operators in various types of institutions meet increasingly complex standards.

Long-term Healthcare
60% of senior-feeding operators report “significantly increased pressure” to raise resident experiences via food and nutrition, while reducing operating costs.

Correctional Institutions
Corrections spends almost 6x more on healthcare than on food, even though better diets improve health outcomes and reduce long-term healthcare costs.

K-12 Education
Updated nutrition standards have added $1.14 billion to the annual cost of school foodservice.
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